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How to Study for the CEN Exam

Updated: Feb 2

Steps to Success
Steps to Success

  • Thank you for allowing me to be your certification mentor! This is a commitment, but we WILL DO IT. Email me at Monday through Thursday from 9a-4p if you have any questions about my study material.

  • Take ACLS, PALS, and TNCC prior to studying for the CEN exam. You must know the basics to prepare for the advanced.

  • I strongly recommend at least one year of emergency experience prior to taking the CEN exam. BCEN recommends 2 years of experience but does not require it.

  • Check for exam information including the exam blueprint, voucher options of pass assurance, and testing options including live remote proctoring.

  • Study proven material registered with BCEN. My 2025 CEN paperback Study Guide is available on Amazon. If you have the opportunity to attend a CEN Review Course by a proven instructor, do it.

  • The CEN exam is 175 questions, and you have 180 minutes to complete. All questions are multiple-choice, there are no “all of the above” or “select all that apply”. The questions are in random order.

  • Yes, the 2024 pass rate was 49%, but if you follow my advice, you have a much higher chance of passing the exam. No, my pass rate is not 100%. Not everyone commits to following my advice.

  • Twenty-five questions on the exam are not scored, so if you see something not in my material, just make your best educated choice.

  • The CEN exam blueprint has ten sections, study one blueprint section at a time.

  • I strongly suggest you have a study buddy to keep you accountable.

  • Prepare a dedicated study space, just like students in virtual school. Have index cards to write content you need to study more, and colorful pens to stimulate your creative side. Reading and highlighting are not active study. Avoid distractions such as your cell phone.

  • Study during your peak brain time and consider playing instrumental music while you study to stimulate your brain. Study in 30-45-minute intervals, then get up and exercise before continuing.

  • Develop flash cards of bolded “Key Points” or concepts you do not fully understand, not everything. Take the flashcards to work and ask everyone to tell you everything they know about that concept. You learn while creating the flashcards.

  • Develop memory aids, mnemonics, and acronyms for ECG concurrent leads, ABG interpretation, antidotes, ocular emergencies, communicable infections, etc.

  • Review ESI Triage from ENA University and TNCC to help with prioritization questions.

  • Focus on thoroughly understanding the physiology, NOT memorizing sample questions.

  • The PDB Nurse Education Pinterest page has tons of visuals for visual learners.

  • Record yourself explaining “Key Points” in your own words and listen while driving or exercising, or before going to bed. You learn while recording the concepts and reinforce the information when you listen.

  • Explain difficult material to a co-worker and encourage questions. You understand what you can teach. Develop sample questions.

  • Answer my 175 sample questions at one time to assess your timing (max 180 minutes). Read the question and answer the question prior to reading the answer choices. Look for a similar answer. Then read all answer choices and eliminate obviously incorrect answers. Analyze your incorrect answers and make flashcards of that content.

  • Consider my CEN Kindle eBook Supplement for 100 additional “Critical Thinking” questions for $9.99.

  • Practice sample questions with BCEN’s 150 questions, order at for more practice questions in computerized timed test mode to simulate the actual exam and ensure you score 75% or higher prior to actual CEN testing.

  • Do not cram the night before you test. You cannot think when your brain is exhausted. This is a 175-question exam. Pace yourself and manage your time.

  • Email me at during business hours of Monday to Thursday from 9am-4pm eastern. I love to hear the wins, but I will help you if you do not pass.

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